For the gentleman requesting assistance with my UltimateOCD script, I have revised it further to allow you to easily provide some parameters like the target directory, directory exclusions, and a custom temporary directory path. In addition, I have revised the logic to use the “product” & “x.x.x” (version number) directories to detect Oracle client instances. Previously, this was reliant on the Oracle Base directory name containing “Oracle,” which may not always be the case.
I have also created a video demonstration to help provide insight into the script’s function.
The script can be found here:
Here is the updated script:
<# ULTIMATE ORACLE CLIENT DEINSTALLER ===============================================================================
Script written by Payton Flint
Deinstalls 11g, 12c, 19c Oracle clients
# Clear variables for repeatability
Get-Variable -Exclude PWD,*Preference | Remove-Variable -EA 0
# Specify target directory
$TargetDrive = 'C:\'
# Directories to exclude
$ExcludeDirs = @("")
# Temporary Directory Path
$TempDir = "C:\Ultimate_OCD"
# Uninstall-Oracle Function
Function Uninstall-Oracle {
param (
# Exclude system directories
$ExcludeDirs += @("PerfLogs", "Program Files", "Program Files (x86)", "Users", "Windows")
# Create IncludeDirs array
$IncludeDirs = @()
# Get directories w/o exclusions
$IncludeDirs += Get-ChildItem -Path $TargetDrive -Directory | Where-Object { $_.Name -notin $ExcludeDirs}
# Append TargetDrive
For ($i = 0; $i -lt $IncludeDirs.Count; $i++) {
$IncludeDirs[$i] = Join-Path $TargetDrive $IncludeDirs[$i]
If ($IncludeDirs -ne $null) {
# Get each instance of "product" directory from included directories
$ProductPath = Get-ChildItem -Path $IncludeDirs -Recurse -Directory `
| Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'product' } `
| Select -ExpandProperty "FullName"
If ($ProductPath -ne $null) {
# Create VersionPath array
$VersionPath = @()
# Get each instance of "x.x.x" version subdirectory from each ProductPath
$ProductPath | ForEach-Object {
$VersionPath += Get-ChildItem -Path $_ -Recurse -Directory `
| Where-Object { $_.Name -match '\d+(\.\d+)*' } `
| Select -ExpandProperty "FullName" -First 1
If ($VersionPath -ne $null) {
# Create DeinstallPath array
$DeinstallPath = @()
# Get each instance of "deinstall" subdirectory from each VersionPath
$VersionPath | ForEach-Object {
$DeinstallPath += Get-ChildItem -Path $_ -Recurse -Directory `
| Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'deinstall' -and $_.FullName -notlike "*\inventory\*"} `
| Select -ExpandProperty "FullName" -First 1
If ($DeinstallPath -ne $null) {
# Create DeinstallBatch array
$DeinstallBatch = @()
# Get each instance of "deinstall.bat" file from each DeinstallPath
$DeinstallPath | ForEach-Object {
$DeinstallBatch += Get-ChildItem -Path $_ -File `
| Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'deinstall.bat'} `
| Select -ExpandProperty "FullName" -First 1
If ($DeinstallBatch -ne $null) {
# Create temporary directory
If (!(Test-Path $TempDir)) {
New-Item -Path "$TempDir" -ItemType Directory -Force
$DeinstallBatch | ForEach-Object {
# Create array for parent-most directories (for later removal)
$DriveLetter = Split-Path -Path $_ -Qualifier
$ParentDir = (Split-Path -Path $_ -Parent).Split('\', [System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)[1]
$ParentDirs = @()
$ParentDirs += Join-Path $DriveLetter $ParentDir
# Get version number from file path
$VersionNumber = [regex]::Match($_, "\\(\d+(\.\d+)+)\\").Groups[1].Value
# Append version number to TempDir for appropriate naming of subdirectory
$TempSubDir = Join-Path $TempDir $VersionNumber
# Create temporary subdirectory
If (!(Test-Path $TempSubDir)) {
New-Item -Path "$TempSubDir" -ItemType Directory -Force
# Create .RSP file in subdirectory using deinstall.bat
Start-Process -FilePath "$_" -Wait -NoNewWindow -ArgumentList "-silent -checkonly -o $TempSubDir"
# Execute deinstall.bat using .RSP file
$RSP = Join-Path $TempSubDir '\deinstall*.rsp'
Start-Process -FilePath "$_" -Wait -NoNewWindow -ArgumentList "-silent -paramfile $RSP"
# Remove parent-most directories for all Oracle instances
If ($ParentDirs -ne $null) {
Remove-Item -Path $ParentDirs -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# Remove temporary directory
If (Test-Path $TempDir) {
Remove-Item -Path $TempDir -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# Remove Program Files
$ProgFiles = "$env:SystemDrive\Program Files\Oracle"
$ProgFilesx86 = "$env:SystemDrive\Program Files (x86)\Oracle"
If (Test-Path $ProgFiles) {
Remove-Item -Path $ProgFiles -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
} Elseif (Test-Path $ProgFilesx86) {
Remove-Item -Path $ProgFilesx86 -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
} # End of Uninstall-Oracle Function
# Set-EnvironmentVariable Function
Function Set-EnvironmentVariable {
param (
} # End of Set-EnvironmentVariable Function
# Update-EnvironmentVariables Function
Function Update-EnvironmentVariables {
# Clear nullified environment variables
$machineValues = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariables('Machine')
$userValues = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariables('User')
$processValues = [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariables('Process')
# Identify the entire list of environment variable names first
$envVarNames = ($machineValues.Keys + $userValues.Keys + 'PSModulePath') | Sort-Object | Select-Object -Unique
# Lastly remove the environment variables that no longer exist
ForEach ($envVarName in $processValues.Keys | Where-Object {$envVarNames -like $null}) {
Remove-Item -LiteralPath "env:${envVarName}" -Force
# Update variables
foreach($level in "Machine","User","Process") {
} # End of Update-EnvironmentVariables Function
# Remove-RegistryKey Function
Function Remove-RegistryKey {
param (
Remove-Item -Path "Registry::$Key" -Force -Recurse
} # End of Remove-RegistryKey Function
# Call Uninstall-Oracle function
Uninstall-Oracle -TargetDrive $TargetDrive -ExcludeDirs $ExcludeDirs -TempDir $TempDir
# Nullify environment variables
Set-EnvironmentVariable -Name "TNS_Admin" -Value "$null"
Set-EnvironmentVariable -Name "_JAVA_OPTIONS" -Value "$null"
Set-EnvironmentVariable -Name "ORACLE_HOME" -Value "$null"
# Refresh environment variables
# Remove Registry Keys
Remove-RegistryKey -Key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Oracle*"
Remove-RegistryKey -Key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Oracle*"
Remove-RegistryKey -Key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Oracle*"
Hi Payton,
I tried your modified script. It performs partial removal; it does not delete all files and folders.
Can you elaborate on what was left behind?
Hi Payton,
There were at least three folders that were not erased. Those folders have to be deleted manually. Also, I would like you to provide a functionality that checks whether or not Oracle is present on the server. If it is not there, the program should exit with the message “Oracle not found.”
Truly appreciate your efforts.
Thank you.
Hi Payton,
Please reply to my above message. Whether it is possible to do that or not. Thanks.