With ConfigMan application deployments, it’s good practice to, when applicable, divide large groups up and take a staged approach at deployment. I’ve found myself multiple times creating multiple collections containing the objects within an Active Directory (AD) Organizational Unit (OU) for staged deployments. I decided to build a script to ease this process.
This script allows you to provide the canonical name of an OU, recursively retrieve all of the objects within it, and checks each item for enablement in AD. Then, it checks ConfigMan for each object’s presence. Then, it divides the list into equal parts, accounting for a remainder. Finally, the script exports these smaller lists, which will be the collection members, into separate .txt files at the script root.
I didn’t go as far as to actually script the creation of the collections in ConfigMan, because the locations will likely vary significantly between uses. I also felt that removes some flexibility from the script’s use. I set the script up with the intent to copy the contents of each exported text file, to use the Add Resources option of a collection’s right-click menu, and paste the comma-separated list of names for a bulk-add.
Get membership of 1+ AD OUs recursively, check for AD object enablement, and ConfigMan presence.
Divide into groups using provided collection count divisor.
Convert lists to comma-separated names & export individual .txt files at script root.
Lists intended for use w/ CM collection's 'Add Resources' option to copy/paste computer names for bulk add.
Name: Convert-OUsToCollections
Author: Payton Flint
Version: 1.0
DateCreated: 2023-Dec
PowerShell – ConfigMan – Convert OUs to Collections
#= Prerequisites ===================================================================================================================
# Clear variables for repeatability
Get-Variable -Exclude PWD,*Preference | Remove-Variable -EA 0
# identify location of script
$scriptPath = Split-Path ($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) -Parent
# Install/check for ConfigurationManager module
Import-Module ConfigurationManager -ErrorAction 'Stop'
#= ConfigMan info ==================================================================================================================
# CM Site Code
$SiteCode = '<CM SITE CODE>'
# CM Server Name
$CMServer = '<CM SERVER>'
#= OrganizationalUnit Input info ===================================================================================================
# canonical name of OU(s) to search
#= Collections Output info =========================================================================================================
# number of collections to create (for staged deployment)
$collectionCount = '<INT>'
Function Convert-ADName {
param (
# check name formatting
if ($name -like '*.*' -or $name -like '*/*' -or $name -like '*=*') {
# Check if the input is a canonical name format
if ($name -match "(^CN=.*|^OU=.*|^DC=.*)") {
# replace characters for reformatting
$processedCN = $name -replace ',', '' -replace 'DC=', '.' -replace 'OU=', '/' -replace 'CN=', ''
# drop leading '/' if present
if ($processedCN -match "^/.*") {
$processedCN = ($processedCN -split '\/', 2)[1]
# split canonical name in 2 parts at first '.'
$splitCN = $processedCN -split '\.', 2
# domain portion of canonical name
$domain = $splitCN[1]
# get remaining portion of canonical name if not empty
if ($($splitCN[0]) -ne '') {
# split remaining portion by '/' character
$splitRemainder = $($splitCN[0]) -split '/'
# invert order of the remaining items array
$reversedRemainder = $splitRemainder[($splitRemainder.Length-1)..0]
# reassemble in canonical name format for output
$output = $domain + '/' + ($reversedRemainder -join '/')
# if remainder is empty, list domain
} else {
$output = $domain
# if input is distinguished name format
} else {
# alert user to provide input type
if ($nameType -ne 'container' -and $nameType -ne 'object') {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Distinguished name format detected.`r`n-inputType must be set to 'Container' or 'Object'."
# glitch in replace, had to invoke method this way
# replace characters for reformatting
$processedDN = $($name -replace '/', ',OU=').Replace('.', ',DC=')
# if 'OU=' is present
if ($processedDN -match ".*OU=.*") {
# split in 2 parts at first ',OU='
$splitDN = $processedDN -split '\,OU=', 2
# domain portion of distinguished name
$domain = $splitDN[0]
# split remaining portion by ',OU='
$splitRemainder = $($splitDN[1]) -split ',OU='
# invert order of the remaining items array
$reversedRemainder = $splitRemainder[($splitRemainder.Length-1)..0]
# reassemble in distinguished name format for output
$reassembledDN = ($reversedRemainder -join ',OU=') + ',DC=' + $domain
# add appropriate prefix to distinguished name and output
if ($nameType -eq 'object') {
$output = 'CN=' + $reassembledDN
} elseif ($nameType -eq 'container' ) {
$output = 'OU=' + $reassembledDN
# if remainder is empty, list domain
} else {
$output = 'DC=' + $processedDN
return $output
# warn on invalid name format
} else {
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Invalid name format."
} # end Convert-ADName function
Function Split-List {
param (
# initialization
$lists = @()
$startIndex = 0
$listArray = @()
# Calculate the count of each list & remainder
$listSize = [math]::floor($inputList.Count / $divisor)
$remainder = $inputList.Count % $divisor
# Iterate through each list
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $divisor; $i++) {
# Calculate the size of the current list
$size = $listSize + [math]::min(1, $remainder)
# Decrease the remainder by 1 if remainder
$remainder = [math]::max(0, $remainder - 1)
# Clear the current list array
$listArray = @()
# Add items to the current list array
$listArray += $cmPresent[$startIndex..($startIndex + $size - 1)]
# Add the current list array to lists
$lists += ,$listArray
# Update the start index for the next list
$startIndex += $size
return $lists
} # end Split-List function
# initialize arrays
$inputDN = @()
$objDNs = @()
$computerNames = @()
$enabledNames = @()
$cmPresent = @()
# convert canonical name to distinguished name & add to array
$inputOU | ForEach-Object {
$inputDN += Convert-ADName -name $_ -nameType $nameType
# get all object distinguished names recursively within OU & filter containers/duplicates
$inputDN | ForEach-Object {
$objDNs += (Get-ADObject -Filter * -SearchBase $_).DistinguishedName | Where-Object {$_ -match "^CN=.*" -and $_ -notlike "*{*}*"}
# get results in canonical name format
$objCNs = $objDNs | ForEach-Object {
Convert-ADName -name $_
# separate computer names & add to array
$objCNs | ForEach-Object {
if ($_ -match '\/([^/]+)$') {
$computerNames += $matches[1]
# add enabled computerNames to array
$computerNames | ForEach-Object {
$enabledStatus = $null
$enabledStatus = $(Get-ADComputer -Filter { Name -eq $_ }).Enabled
if ($enabledStatus) {
$enabledNames += $_
# precautionary deduplication and sort
$enabledNames = $enabledNames | Select-Object -Unique | Sort-Object
# ConfigMan presence check
# append ':' to site code
if ($SiteCode -notlike "*:") {
$SiteCode = "$SiteCode" + ':'
# connect to CM Site
Set-Location $SiteCode
# check for presence in CM
$enabledNames | ForEach-Object {
# initialize variable for loop
$cmCheck = $null
# check for device name in CM
$cmCheck = Get-CMDevice -Fast -Name $_
# if present, add to array
if ($cmCheck) {
$cmPresent += $_
# return to system drive
Set-Location $env:SystemDrive
# separate list
$collections = Split-List -inputList $cmPresent -divisor $collectionCount
# Export each collection to a separate text file
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $collectionCount; $i++) {
$collection = $collections[$i]
$filePath = $scriptPath + "\Collection_$($i + 1).txt"
# Join the computers in the collection with a comma and export to a text file
$collection -join ',' | Out-File -FilePath $filePath -Encoding UTF8
Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Exported $filePath"