I recently had a unique challenge present itself. A local had shared a screenshot of an image in a social media group I am in. I had the suspicion that this screenshot might have been the entrance to some local caves that I had been to previously. However, since that photo was taken, these caves have been mostly imploded and sealed off with concrete. Today, they do not much resemble what they looked like in the photograph.
I could see part of the URL in the screenshot, so it was easy to figure out what domain the image originated from. This site was a local man’s life’s work- an incredible, sprawling archive of photos of our town from the very beginning. However, the webmaster has since passed away, so I could not simply ask him for information.
To tackle this challenge, I decided to build a webcrawler that recursively digs into the site and extracts all found images. Each image is used to generate a perceptual hash, and is compared to the base image’s perceptual hash, so we can get a numeric comparison value. Joshua Hendricks’ PowerShell implementation perceptual hash generation and comparison made this a breeze. The image is then discarded, and the values are written to a .CSV in realtime. So, even if our script is interrupted, we retain our values- keep in mind, some sites could take a very long time.
My script flew through the site in about 20 minutes, generating almost 20,000 perceptual hashes and comparing them in realtime. When it was all said and done, I filtered the .CSV by ComparisonValue, and right on top was a link that took me to the photo I was looking for, along with some additional information! Incredible!
Here are some links to Joshua’s content on this:
My script can be seen below, or on my GitHub at https://github.com/p8nflnt/OSINT/blob/main/Find-WebImageSimilarity.ps1.
To locate similar photos on a web site
1. Provide a base image
2. Generate a perceptive hash
3. Recursively crawl a specified website
4. Generate perceptive hashes for all found images
5. Compare the perceptive hashes
Name: Find-WebImageSimilarity.ps1
Author: Payton Flint
Version: 1.0
DateCreated: 2024-Oct
Joshua Hendricks - https://www.joshooaj.com/blog/2024/03/24/image-comparison/
Joshua Hendricks - https://youtu.be/TTRaDlRWnGg?si=1MSGlU7Ey9HruU1q
OSINT – Find Similar Images on the Web
$targetSite = "<URL>"
$outputCsv = "<FILEPATH>"
$imgCache = "<PATH>"
$baseImage = "<FILEPATH>"
# Ensure the image cache exists
if (-not (Test-Path $imgCache)) {
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $imgCache | Out-Null
# Hashtable to track processed URLs and downloaded images
$processedUrls = @{}
$downloadedImages = @{}
# Generate the perceptual hash for the base image
try {
$baseImageHash = (Get-PerceptHash -Path $baseImage).Hash
} catch {
Write-Host "Failed to generate perceptual hash for the base image: $baseImage"
# Function to normalize and encode URLs properly
Function Normalize-Url {
# Check if the URL is relative or absolute
$uri = New-Object System.Uri($url, [System.UriKind]::RelativeOrAbsolute)
# If the URL is relative, append the base URL
if (-not $uri.IsAbsoluteUri) {
$uri = [uri]::new($targetSite, $uri)
# Decode and re-encode the URL
$decodedUrl = [System.Uri]::UnescapeDataString($uri.AbsoluteUri)
$encodedUrl = [uri]::EscapeUriString($decodedUrl)
# Remove any trailing slashes
return $encodedUrl.TrimEnd('/')
# Function to export images to the CSV file with comparison details
Function Export-ToCsv {
# Export the image URL, parent URL, perceptual hash, and comparison value to CSV
$csvObject = [PSCustomObject]@{
ImageURL = $imageUrl
ParentURL = $parentUrl
Status = $status
PerceptualHash = $perceptualHash
ComparisonValue = $comparisonValue
$csvObject | Export-Csv -Path $outputCsv -Append -NoTypeInformation
# Recursive function to get links and download images
Function Get-WebLinks {
# Normalize the target URL to avoid duplicates
$normalizedTarget = Normalize-Url $targetSite
# Check if we've already processed this URL
if ($processedUrls.ContainsKey($normalizedTarget)) {
Write-Host "Skipping already processed URL: $normalizedTarget"
# Add URL to processed list
$processedUrls[$normalizedTarget] = $true
Write-Host "Processing: $normalizedTarget"
try {
# Fetch the page content
$page = Invoke-WebRequest $normalizedTarget -ErrorAction Stop
# Remove protocol to match the domain properly
$domain = $normalizedTarget -replace 'https?://', '' -replace 'http?://', ''
# Extract links matching the domain
$links = ($page.Links | Where-Object { $_.href -like "*$domain*" }).href
# Determine the base URL (remove any .html or .htm if present)
$baseUrl = $normalizedTarget -replace "/[^/]+\.html?$", ""
# Download images belonging to the site
$images = $page.Images | Where-Object { $_.src -notlike "http*://*" }
# Process each link
ForEach ($link in $links) {
$link = Normalize-Url($link)
if (-not $processedUrls.ContainsKey($link)) {
Write-Host "Recursively processing link: $link"
Get-WebLinks -targetSite $link -processedUrls $processedUrls -downloadedImages $downloadedImages -parentUrl $normalizedTarget
# Process each image
ForEach ($image in $images) {
# Check if the image URL is absolute or relative
if ($image.src -match "^https?://") {
# If it's already an absolute URL, use it as is
$imageUrl = $image.src
} else {
# If it's a relative URL, combine it correctly with the base URL
$imageUrl = "$baseUrl/$($image.src.TrimStart('/'))"
# Check if the image has already been processed
if (-not $downloadedImages.ContainsKey($imageUrl)) {
try {
# Mark the image as being processed
$downloadedImages[$imageUrl] = $true
# Get the image file name and set the output path
$imageName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($image.src)
$outputPath = Join-Path -Path $imgCache -ChildPath $imageName
# Download the image to the specified folder
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $imageUrl -OutFile $outputPath
Write-Host "Downloaded image: $outputPath"
# Generate the perceptual hash for the downloaded image
$imageHash = (Get-PerceptHash -Path $outputPath).Hash
Write-Host "Generated perceptual hash: $imageHash"
# Compare the downloaded image's hash to the base image's hash
$comparisonValue = Compare-PerceptHash -ReferenceHash $baseImageHash -DifferenceHash $imageHash
Write-Host "Comparison value: $comparisonValue"
# Mark the image as processed and export to CSV
Export-ToCsv -imageUrl $imageUrl -parentUrl $normalizedTarget -status "Processed" -perceptualHash $imageHash -comparisonValue $comparisonValue
# Delete the image after processing
Remove-Item -Path $outputPath -Force
Write-Host "Deleted image: $outputPath"
} catch {
Write-Host "Failed to download or process image: $imageUrl. Error: $_"
} else {
Write-Host "Skipping already processed image: $imageUrl"
} catch {
Write-Host "Error accessing $normalizedTarget`: $_"
# Initial call to the function
Get-WebLinks -targetSite $targetSite -processedUrls $processedUrls -downloadedImages $downloadedImages