Synchronization of profile photos between Google’s G Suite and Azure is not supported by the built-in Azure Provisioning engine. This must be accomplished by some other means. In my case, of course, I look to employ PowerShell for such automation tasks.
As a prerequisite, you should have already followed PSGSuite’s intial setup procedure documented on their website ( This is to both set up PSGSuite application, and to configure your device to communicate with it properly. Additionally, you must have permissions within Azure to use Microsoft Graph, and have installed the Microsoft.Graph module.
This script works unidirectionally from Google > Azure. It downloads the profile photo for each user using PSGSuite. Then, it stores the photo in a local repository. No worries, though, these photos are highly compressed and low-resolution. Storage space was on the order of MB, not GB for a very large domain. The purpose of the local repository is to enable the script to evaluate for any changes, and only upload the delta to Azure/Entra via Microsoft Graph. It accomplishes this by generating a hash for the new photo and the corresponding photo in the local repository by the same name, then compares the two. This keeps us from making unnecessary uploads via Microsoft Graph.
A disclaimer, this script takes quite a while to run for a larger domain. The limiting factor here is the rate that either Google or PSGSuite supplies the images, everything else is pretty well negligible.
Here is the script, and the GitHub link:
Synchronize user profile photos from GSuite to Azure. Requires PSGSuite/Microsoft.Graph
Name: Sync-GSuiteUserImagesToAzure
Author: Payton Flint
Version: 1.0
DateCreated: 2024-February
Cloud- Synchronize Profile Photos Between Federated Domains (Google, Azure)
# clear variables for repeatability
Get-Variable -Exclude PWD,*Preference | Remove-Variable -EA 0
# identify location of script
$scriptPath = Split-Path ($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Source) -Parent
# specify domain portion found in target user principal names
$upnDomain = "[email protected]"
# connect to ms graph w/ appropriate permissions
Connect-MgGraph -Scopes 'User.ReadWrite.All' -NoWelcome
# set inbound image cache path
$inboundImgCache = Join-Path $scriptPath "inboundImgCache"
# remove inbound image cache directory if it exists
If (Test-Path $inboundImgCache) {
Remove-Item -Path $inboundImgCache -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# create inbound image cache directory
New-Item -Path $inboundImgCache -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
# set image repository path
$imgRepo = Join-Path $ScriptPath "imgRepo"
# create image repository directory if it does not exist
If (!(Test-Path $imgRepo)) {
New-Item -Path $imgRepo -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# function to compare image hashes
function Compare-ImageHash {
param (
[string]$Algorithm = "SHA256"
$hasher = [System.Security.Cryptography.HashAlgorithm]::Create($Algorithm)
$hash1Bytes = $hasher.ComputeHash([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($ImagePath1))
$hash1 = -join ($hash1Bytes | ForEach-Object { $_.ToString("x2") })
$hash2Bytes = $hasher.ComputeHash([System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes($ImagePath2))
$hash2 = -join ($hash2Bytes | ForEach-Object { $_.ToString("x2") })
# directly returns true if the hashes match (images are identical), false otherwise
return $hash1 -eq $hash2
} # end Compare-ImageHash function
# function to handle updated images
function HandleImageUpdate {
param (
[string]$cachedImgPath, # Path to the cached image
[string]$cachedImgRepoPath, # Destination path in the image repository
[string]$userUPN, # user principal name
[string]$fileExt # image format file extension
# prod ms graph url
$graphUrl = ""
# get entra user id via ms graph, silence errors
$userId = (Get-MgUser -UserId $userUPN 2>$null) | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Id
# if userId found in destination domain...
if ($userId -ne $null) {
# copy image from inbound cache to image repository, overwriting it if present
Copy-Item -Path $cachedImgPath -Destination $cachedImgRepoPath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# upload cached image as user profile photo via ms graph
Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Method "PUT" -Uri $graphUrl/users/$userId/photo/`$value -InputFilePath $cachedImgPath -ContentType "image/$fileExt"
# remove cached image
Remove-Item -Path $cachedImgPath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# if no user id found in destination domain...
} else {
# remove cached image
Remove-Item -Path $cachedImgPath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
} # end HandleImageUpdate function
# get UPNs from source domain
$srcUPNs = Get-GSUserList | Select-Object -ExpandProperty User
# percentage calculation variables
$total = $srcUPNs.Count
$processed = 0
# for each UPN...
$srcUPNs | ForEach-Object {
# Increment the processed count
# Calculate the percentage of completion
$percentage = ($processed / $total) * 100
# Update the progress bar using Write-Progress
Write-Progress -Activity "Processing Users" -Status "$($percentage.ToString("0.00"))% Complete" -PercentComplete $percentage
# get image for UPN and place in inbound image cache
Get-GSUserPhoto -User $_ -OutFilePath $inboundImgCache -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# get cached image filename (if any)
$cachedImgName = (Get-ChildItem -Path $inboundImgCache).Name
# if a user photo is returned to the cache...
if ($cachedImgName -ne $null) {
# get file extension
$cachedImgExt = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($cachedImgName).TrimStart('.')
# build cached image file path
$cachedImgPath = Join-Path $inboundImgCache $cachedImgName
# build file path to check image repository for cached image filename
$cachedImgRepoPath = Join-Path $imgRepo $cachedImgName
# check if cached image filename exists in image repository
if (Test-Path $cachedImgRepoPath) {
# compare cached image to repository image
$imgCompareResult = Compare-ImageHash -ImagePath1 $cachedImgPath -ImagePath2 $cachedImgRepoPath
# if cached image is identical to the repository image...
if ($imgCompareResult -eq $true) {
# remove cached image
Remove-Item -Path $cachedImgPath -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# if cached image is not identical to the repository image...
} else {
# copy image to repository (potentially overwriting existing files by the same name), upload photo via ms graph, and clear the inbound cache
HandleImageUpdate -cachedImgPath $cachedImgPath -cachedImgRepoPath $cachedImgRepoPath -userUPN $_ -fileExt $cachedImgExt
# if cached image does not exist in image repository
} else {
# copy image to repository (potentially overwriting existing files by the same name), upload photo via ms graph, and clear the inbound cache
HandleImageUpdate -cachedImgPath $cachedImgPath -cachedImgRepoPath $cachedImgRepoPath -userUPN $_ -fileExt $cachedImgExt