Recently, a challenge presented itself in migrating a large archive of data from a Google Drive location (frankly, a rather costly storage option) to a local NAS storage device. I have been using PSGSuite to interface with the G Suite products, so I turned to it to see what my options were. I found them to be surprisingly limited in capability. A very basic script for retrieval of a drive’s contents resulted in extremely long runtimes. These might suffice for small stores of data, but they were not going to be sufficient to move dozens of terabytes of data. This is the difference between weeks and months of runtime.
I needed the ability to be able to handle large numbers of files and directories, recursively rebuild the directory structure, queue concurrent downloads, and update progress intelligently along the way. To be able to handle hundreds of thousands of individual files or directories, I had to use nested hashtables to store information about IDs and paths. To achieve concurrent downloads, I implemented runspaces, which have been much less resource-intensive than some other options out there like Jobs or ThreadJobs. Also, the script includes contingencies so it can retrieve information for a user’s root drive or retrieve the contents of a drive by drive ID.
This has been my largest PowerShell project to date, and, after much work in dialing it in, I am very happy with the results. On a smaller scale test, a drive retrieval that, with a basic single-threaded script, would take over 15 hours now takes only a little over 9 minutes. This script has allowed me to achieve a sustained almost 400 Mbps transfer rate for over 210,000 files and 18,600 directories, totaling over 44 TB!
Here’s a link to the script on my GitHub:
Retrieves Google Drive contents by userPrincipalName or driveId
and places them in a reconstruction of their directory structure
in a specified root directory
Name: Get-GSDriveContents
Author: Payton Flint
Version: 1.0
DateCreated: 2024-May
Cloud – Retrieve Google Drive Contents by User or Drive ID
# Clear variables for repeatability
Get-Variable -Exclude PWD,*Preference | Remove-Variable -EA 0
# retrieve user's Google Drive contents in locally reconstructed directory structure
function Get-GSDriveContents {
param (
# get the size of the target directory in bytes
function Get-DirSize {
param (
# get target directory
$dir = New-Object System.IO.DirectoryInfo($target)
# retrieve all files recursively
$files = $dir.GetFiles("*", [System.IO.SearchOption]::AllDirectories)
# total file sizes
$totalSize = ($files | Measure-Object -Property Length -Sum).Sum
# return the sum of all file sizes in bytes
return $totalSize
# scrub name of invalid characters, trailing spaces
function Clean-Name {
param (
# remove trailing spaces
$cleanName = $name -replace '\s+$', ''
# remove invalid characters
$invalidChars = '[\\\/:*?"<>|]'
# replace invalid characters with -
$cleanName = $cleanName -replace $invalidChars, '-'
# return cleaned name
return $cleanName
# display progress bar with detailed progress information
function Update-Progress {
param (
# conversion of bytes to KB, MB, GB, TB
function Convert-Bytes {
param ([int64]$bytes)
if ($bytes -ge 1TB) {
return "{0:N2} TB" -f ($bytes / 1TB)
} elseif ($bytes -ge 1GB) {
return "{0:N2} GB" -f ($bytes / 1GB)
} elseif ($bytes -ge 1MB) {
return "{0:N2} MB" -f ($bytes / 1MB)
} elseif ($bytes -ge 1KB) {
return "{0:N2} KB" -f ($bytes / 1KB)
} else {
return "{0} bytes" -f $bytes
# get directory size and update progress at specified interval
if ($updateTimer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds -ge $updateFreq) {
# get total size of root directory
$dirSize = Get-DirSize -target $outFileRoot
# subtract initial root directory size from current size
# derives progress until current point
$currentBytes = $dirSize - $initCurrentBytes
# if any progress...
if ($currentBytes -gt 0) {
# get the elapsed time in seconds from the stopwatch parameter
$elapsed = $stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds
# calculate the ratio of total bytes to be downloaded
# by the total bytes downloaded until current point
$ratio = ($currentBytes / $totalBytes)
# ensure percentage can't exceed 100%
if ($ratio -ge 1) {$ratio = 1}
# multiply ratio by 100 to calculate percentage
$percentComplete = ($ratio) * 100
# calculate the rate until current point in bytes per second
$rateBytesPerSecond = $currentBytes / $elapsed
# convert bps rate to Mbps
$rateMbps = $rateBytesPerSecond * 8 / 1MB
# text formatting
$formattedRate = "{0:N2} Mbps" -f $rateMbps
# calculate estimated time to completion
$remainingTime = ($totalBytes - $currentBytes) / $rateBytesPerSecond
$remainingTimeSpan = [timespan]::FromSeconds($remainingTime)
$formattedTime = $remainingTimeSpan.ToString("hh\:mm\:ss")
# format percentage
$formattedPercent = "{0:N2} % Complete" -f $percentComplete
# convert bytes to readable format
$formattedCurrentBytes = Convert-Bytes -bytes $currentBytes
$formattedTotalBytes = Convert-Bytes -bytes $totalBytes
# format the output string with detailed progress information
$outputStatus = "$formattedPercent - $formattedCurrentBytes / $formattedTotalBytes @ $formattedRate - Est. Time Remaining: $formattedTime"
# display progress bar with additional information
Write-Progress -Activity "Downloading files from Google Drive" -Status $outputStatus -PercentComplete $percentComplete
# reset the timer and the counter after updating
function Build-DirStructure {
param (
# get parent folder path from $dirMap hashtable
$parentPath = $dirMap[$parentId]
# if parent directory does not already exist, create it and print to console
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $parentPath)) {
New-Item -Path $parentPath -ItemType Directory -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue| Out-Null
Write-Host "Creating directory: $parentPath"
# Check if there are any child directories for the current parent ID
if ($allDirsHT.ContainsKey($parentId)) {
# Get the list of child directory names directly from the hashtable
$childDirs = $allDirsHT[$parentId]
# for each child key/value pair...
foreach ($child in $childDirs) {
# get ID and name for child from key/value pair
$childId = $child | Select-Object -ExpandProperty keys
$childName = $child | Select-Object -ExpandProperty values
# build child directory full path
$childPath = Join-Path -Path $parentPath -ChildPath $childName
# add ID and full path to $dirMap hashtable
$dirMap[$childId] = $childPath
# recursive invocation of this function using child directory id as parent id
Build-DirStructure -parentId $childId -dirMap $dirMap -allDirsHT $allDirsHT
function Get-Files {
param (
# initialize total bytes
[int64]$totalBytes = 0
# get initial current bytes from directory current size
[int64]$initCurrentBytes = Get-DirSize -target $outFileRoot
# initialize all files hashtable
$allFilesHT = @{}
# use all files to perform initial actions and build hashtable
foreach ($file in $allFiles) {
# get parent id from file object
$parentId = $file | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Parents
# ignore files without a parent ID value
if ($parentId -ne $null) {
# if $dirMap hashtable contains file's parent ID value
if ($dirMap.ContainsKey($parentId)) {
# increment the total number of bytes for progress calculation
$totalBytes += $file.Size
# get file ID and name properties respectively
$fileId = $file | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Id
$fileName = $file | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
# get filepath associated with file's parent ID value in $dirMap hashtable
$filePath = $dirMap[$parentId]
# build full path from parent's path and child's name
$fullPath = Join-Path -Path $filePath -ChildPath $fileName
# if file does not already exist...
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $fullPath)) {
# add $fileID and its full path to $allFilesHT hashtable
$allFilesHT[$fileId] = $fullPath
# subtract current bytes from total bytes
$totalBytes = $totalBytes - $initCurrentBytes
# define scriptblock for execution in runspace
$scriptBlock = {
# get file ID & path from key/value pair
$fileId = $file.Key
$filePath = $file.Value
# get file from Google
Get-GSDriveFile -FileId $fileId -OutFilePath $filePath -user $user -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# initialize runspace pool with throttle limit
$runspacePool = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspacePool(1, $throttleLimit)
# initialize runspaces array
$runspaces = @()
# initialize and start stopwatch for progress prediction
$progStopwatch = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch
# initialize and start a stopwatch for the update frequency
$updateTimer = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch
# start all runspaces
foreach ($file in $allFilesHT.GetEnumerator()) {
# runspace w/ scriptblock & arguments specified
$runspace = [powershell]::Create().AddScript($scriptBlock).AddArgument($file).AddArgument($user)
$runspace.RunspacePool = $runspacePool
$runspaces += [PSCustomObject]@{ Pipe = $runspace; Status = $runspace.BeginInvoke() }
# print full file path
Write-Host "Queuing download for: " $file.Value
# run update progress function
Update-Progress -totalBytes $totalBytes -initCurrentBytes $initCurrentBytes -stopwatch $progStopwatch -updateTimer $updateTimer -updateFreq $updateFreq
# initialize completed runspaces array
$completedRunspaces = @()
# after queuing all downloads in runspaces, clean up completed runspaces and update progress
do {
# run update progress function
Update-Progress -totalBytes $totalBytes -initCurrentBytes $initCurrentBytes -stopwatch $progStopwatch -updateTimer $updateTimer -updateFreq $updateFreq
# clean up/dispose runspaces as they complete
foreach ($runspace in $runspaces) {
if ($runspace.Status.IsCompleted) {
$result = $runspace.Pipe.EndInvoke($runspace.Status)
$completedRunspaces += $runspace
# remove completed runspaces from the array
$runspaces = $runspaces | Where-Object { $_ -notin $completedRunspaces }
# optionally add a sleep to reduce CPU usage while waiting
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 100
} while ($runspaces.Count -gt 0)
# close out and dispose runspace pool
# stop prediction stopwatch
# initialize and start stopwatch for measuring total function runtime
$totalRuntimeStopwatch = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch
# if retrieving drive contents for user...
if (-not($driveId)) {
# get root drive ID
$driveId = (Get-GSDriveFileList -User $user -ParentFolderId 'root' -Limit 1) | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Parents
# get all dir info by userPrincipalName if not already available
if ($allDirs -eq $null) {
$allDirs = Get-GSDriveFileList -User $user -Filter "mimeType = 'application/'" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# get all file info by userPrincipalName if not already available
if ($allFiles -eq $null) {
$allFiles = Get-GSDriveFileList -User $user -Filter "mimeType != 'application/'" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# if retrieving drive contents by drive id...
} else {
# get all dir info by drive id if not already available
if ($allDirs -eq $null) {
$allDirs = Get-GSDriveFileList -TeamDriveId $driveId -IncludeTeamDriveItems -Filter "mimeType = 'application/'" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# get all file info by drive id if not already available
if ($allFiles -eq $null) {
$allFiles = Get-GSDriveFileList -TeamDriveId $driveId -IncludeTeamDriveItems -Filter "mimeType != 'application/'" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# set parameter defaults for optional parameters
# default time interval in seconds to update progress
if ($updateFreq -eq $null) {
$updateFreq = 10
# default number of concurrent downloads/runspaces
if ($throttleLimit -eq $null) {
$throttleLimit = 50
# initialize $allDirs hashtable
$allDirsHT = @{}
# for each directory in $allDirs...
foreach ($dir in $allDirs) {
# if the dir object has a parent ID present
if ($dir.Parents -ne $null) {
# get the directory object's parent ID
$parentId = $dir | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Parents
# get the directory object's ID
$dirId = $dir | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Id
# clean the directory name (invalid characters, trailing spaces)
$cleanName = Clean-Name -name $
# check if the parent ID entry already exists; if not, create a new array
if (-not $allDirsHT.ContainsKey($parentId)) {
$allDirsHT[$parentId] = @()
# create a child hashtable to be nested
# contains directory ID and child folder's cleaned name
$childHashtable = @{
$dirId = $cleanName;
# add the child hashtable to the array of children for this parent ID
$allDirsHT.$parentId += $childHashtable
# initialize $dirMap hashtable
$dirMap = @{}
# add $driveId/$outFileRoot pair to $dirMap hashtable
$dirMap[$driveId] = $outFileRoot
# build out directory structure in the outfile root directory
Build-DirStructure -parentId $driveId -dirMap $dirMap -allDirsHT $allDirsHT
# get all files from Google with specified parameters for concurrent downloads using runspaces
Get-Files -outFileRoot $outFileRoot -allFiles $allFiles -dirMap $dirMap -user $user -throttleLimit $throttleLimit -updateFreq $updateFreq
# run garbage colletion to free RAM after closing out runspaces
# calculate and print the total runtime
$totalRuntime = $totalRuntimeStopwatch.Elapsed
Write-Host "Total runtime: $($totalRuntime.ToString())"
# parameters for function execution
$user = "<UserPrincipalName>"
$driveId = "<DriveId>"
$outFileRoot = "<FilePath>"
$updateFreq = 10 # time interval in seconds to update progress
$throttleLimit = 50 # desired number of concurrent downloads
# execute function
Get-GSDriveContents -user $user -driveId $driveId -outFileRoot $outFileRoot -updateFreq $updateFreq -throttleLimit $throttleLimit