Here’s another simple script I put together. It allows you to specify a Security Group in Active Directory, and add a list of hosts to this group. Simple, but yet another tool that every SysAdmin should have in their repository.
Category: InfoSec
Posts pertaining to information security
PowerShell – Save Updates And Import to WSUS
Since Internet Explorer has now been deprecated, there is a need to import updates to WSUS natively without the installation of additional browsers. I’ve found that some of the functionality can be accomplished with Microsoft MVP Chrissy Lemaire’s “KBUpdate” PowerShell module, but it merely facilitated the process by downloading the update, and thus, I did…
PowerShell – Set AD Security Group Membership
Here’s a script that I wrote to allow you to provide a list of machine names and set the membership of an Active Directory security group. It outputs the initial membership count to the console, removes devices that are not present in the provided list, adds devices that are not already present, and then outputs…
Querying Systems for Specific Hotfix – Patching Pro Tips
Let’s say you’re patching Windows devices, and you install a cumulative update. But, while evaluating patching success, you find there is a required hotfix that was not made available to your devices until after the pending reboot is complete and the cumulative update applied. Now, you need a quick, convenient way to query a list…