Configuration Manager includes the device property and concept of UserDeviceAffinity, with which the Primary User of a device can easily be determined and referenced. But, what if your environment does not have MECM in place? MECM is a lot of overhead for a small environment. How might one maintain this capability?
Well, user log on events are in the Event Logs, so if we can parse those, we can make this determination. I have created a script that looks for corresponding logon/logoff events, determines the difference between them to find the duration, and determines which user has logged the greatest duration logged in to the device. Then, it queries AD to get the user’s actual name. It returns an object with both values stored in properties.
My script will only work for domain-joined computers, and is currently set up to use both remote sessions and normal interactive user logon types.
Here it is on my GitHub:
Get Primary User information for a domain-joined computer
Not to be confused w/ ConfigMan's Get-CMUserDeviceAffinity
Name: Get-UserDeviceAffinity
Author: Payton Flint
Version: 1.0
DateCreated: 2023-Aug
Function Get-UserDeviceAffinity {
# Get computer name
$ComputerName = $env:COMPUTERNAME
If ($ComputerName -ne $null) {
# Get current domain name
$Domain = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain]::GetCurrentDomain()
$Domain = $Domain.Name
# Drop domain suffix & convert to uppercase
$Domain = (($Domain.Split('.')[0]).ToUpper())
# Get Events w/ ID 4624 (Logon) that match Logon Types: 2
$LogonType2 = Get-EventLog -LogName Security -ComputerName $ComputerName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -InstanceId 4624 -Message `
"*`r`n Logon Type: 2`r`n Restricted* Account Domain: $Domain`r`n Logon* Logon GUID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}`r`n*" # Message filter
# Get Events w/ ID 4624 (Logon) that match Logon Type: 10
$LogonType10 = Get-EventLog -LogName Security -ComputerName $ComputerName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -InstanceId 4624 -Message `
"*`r`n Logon Type: 10`r`n Restricted* Account Domain: $Domain`r`n Logon* Logon GUID: {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}`r`n*" # Message filter
# Combine events w/ Types 2 & 10
$LogonEvents = $LogonType2 + $LogonType10
# Continue only if events matching specified profile are present
If ($LogonEvents -ne $null) {
# Create UserSessions array
$UserSessions = @()
$LogonEvents | ForEach-Object {
# Use regex to extract AccountName from message
$pattern = "(?<=New Logon:\s*\r?\n[\s\S]*Account Name:\s+)(\S+)"
If ($_.Message -match $pattern) {
$AccountName = $matches[1]
# Use regex to extract LogonID from message
$pattern = "(?<=New Logon:\s*\r?\n[\s\S]*Logon ID:\s+)(\S+)"
If ($_.Message -match $pattern) {
$LogonID = $matches[1]
# Get computer name
$ComputerName = ($_.MachineName.Split('.')[0])
# Get session end
$SessionEnd = Get-EventLog -LogName Security -ComputerName $ComputerName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -InstanceId 4634,4647 -Message `
"*`r`n Logon ID: $LogonID`r`n*" # Message filter
# Derive session duration
If ($SessionEnd -ne $null) {
$SessionDuration = $SessionEnd.TimeGenerated - $_.TimeGenerated
} Else {
$SessionDuration = 0
# Create new session object & add properties
$SessionObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
LogonTime = $_.TimeGenerated
AccountName = $AccountName
LogonID = $LogonID
SessionDuration = $SessionDuration
ComputerName = $ComputerName
LogoffTime = $SessionEnd.TimeGenerated
# Add session objects to array
$UserSessions += $SessionObject
# Group user sessions by account name
$AcctSessions = $UserSessions | Group-Object -Property AccountName
# Group user sessions by account name
$AcctSessions | ForEach-Object {
$_.Group | ForEach-Object {
$TotalDuration += $_.SessionDuration
# Add total duration of user sessions to each account name group
$_ | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'TotalDuration' -NotePropertyValue $TotalDuration
$TotalDuration = $null
# Determine the value of the greatest total session duration per user account
$GreatestDuration = ($AcctSessions | Measure-Object -Property TotalDuration -Maximum).Maximum
# Filter the array to get the object(s) with the highest weight
$PrimaryUser = $AcctSessions | Where-Object { $_.TotalDuration -eq $GreatestDuration }
# Get username
$UserName = $PrimaryUser.Name
# Get AD User object
$ADUser = Get-AdUser -Filter {SamAccountName -eq $UserName} -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
$ADName = $ADUser | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
# Format output
Write-Output "Username : $UserName`r`nName : $ADName"
} # End Function Get-UserDeviceAffinity
# Execute function
$PrimaryUser = Get-UserDeviceAffinity -ComputerName "$env:COMPUTERNAME"
# Return result