I let my curiosity get the better of me, and I put together a PowerShell function for the purpose of creating music using PowerShell’s built-in console beep feature. And, in the very essence of internet meme culture, I present to you my triumph—a PowerShell function that unleashes the timeless anthem of Rick Astley’s ‘Never Gonna Give You Up.’
The function is available on my GitHub: https://github.com/p8nflint/Invoke-Tune.git
# Clear variables for repeatability
Get-Variable -Exclude PWD,*Preference | Remove-Variable -EA 0
Function Invoke-Note {
param (
# If ForceMaxVolume is set to True...
If ($script:ForceMaxVolume -eq $true) {
# Use SendKeys to increment max volume as specified in parent function
# (smaller values to avoid timing delays)
1..10 | % {$script:wshShell.SendKeys([char]175)}
# Determine if note is a rest
If ($Note -eq 'REST') {
# Pause for specified duration
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $Duration
} Else {
# Generate tone for note/duration
[console]::Beep($Note, $Duration)
} # End Function Invoke-Note
Function Invoke-Tune {
param (
# If ForceMaxVolume is set to True...
If ($ForceMaxVolume -eq $true) {
# set variable w/ script scope
$script:ForceMaxVolume = $true
# Use SendKeys to max volume level
$wshShell = new-object -com wscript.shell;1..50 | % {$wshShell.SendKeys([char]175)}
# Prime wshShell for incrementation
$script:wshShell = new-object -com wscript.shell
# Set Beats Per Minute
$BPM = 120
# Correspond tone frequencies & notes
$Note = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
DS1 = 38.89
E1 = 41.20
F1 = 43.65
FS1 = 46.25
G1 = 49.00
GS1 = 51.91
A1 = 55.00
AS1 = 58.27
B1 = 61.74
C2 = 65.41
CS2 = 69.30
D2 = 73.42
DS2 = 77.78
E2 = 82.41
F2 = 87.31
FS2 = 92.50
G2 = 98.00
GS2 = 103.83
A2 = 110.00
AS2 = 116.54
B2 = 123.47
C3 = 130.81
CS3 = 138.59
D3 = 146.83
DS3 = 155.56
E3 = 164.81
F3 = 174.61
FS3 = 185.00
G3 = 196.00
GS3 = 207.65
A3 = 220.00
AS3 = 233.08
B3 = 246.94
C4 = 261.63
CS4 = 277.18
D4 = 293.66
DS4 = 311.13
E4 = 329.63
F4 = 349.23
FS4 = 369.99
G4 = 392.00
GS4 = 415.30
A4 = 440.00
AS4 = 466.16
B4 = 493.88
C5 = 523.25
CS5 = 554.37
D5 = 587.33
DS5 = 622.25
E5 = 659.26
F5 = 698.46
FS5 = 739.99
G5 = 783.99
GS5 = 830.61
A5 = 880.00
AS5 = 932.33
B5 = 987.77
C6 = 1046.50
CS6 = 1108.73
D6 = 1174.66
DS6 = 1244.51
E6 = 1318.51
F6 = 1396.91
FS6 = 1479.98
G6 = 1567.98
GS6 = 1661.22
A6 = 1760.00
AS6 = 1864.66
B6 = 1975.53
C7 = 2093.00
CS7 = 2217.46
D7 = 2349.32
DS7 = 2489.02
E7 = 2637.02
F7 = 2793.83
FS7 = 2959.96
G7 = 3135.96
GS7 = 3322.44
A7 = 3520.00
AS7 = 3729.31
B7 = 3951.07
C8 = 4186.01
CS8 = 4434.92
D8 = 4698.64
DS8 = 4978.03
# Define duration of notes for BPM
$Duration = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
Whole = ((60000/$BPM) * 4)
DottedHalf = ((60000/$BPM) * 3.5)
Half = ((60000/$BPM) * 2)
DottedQuarter = ((60000/$BPM) * 1.5)
Quarter = (60000/$BPM)
DottedEighth = ((60000/$BPM) * 0.75)
Eighth = ((60000/$BPM) * 0.5)
DottedSixteenth = ((60000/$BPM) * 0.375)
Sixteenth = ((60000/$BPM) * 0.25)
} # End Function Invoke-Tune
# Use -ForceMaxVolume boolean param to force maximum playback volume
# For best performance, do not force maximum playback volume
Invoke-Tune -ForceMaxVolume $True