A common problem with applications in Configuration Manager is that an uninstall command has not been specified for many applications. This tends to cause the accumulation of technical debt. As applications age, it will eventually become desirable to remove them from the environment en masse. The ideal time to specify an uninstall command is when the application is added to Configuration Manager. This way, a testing environment is already likely to be configured, and the engineer is most likely to have a good grasp on what additional items (if any) a full uninstall may require to be scripted. Unfortunately, this additional step is not always taken.
Natively, there is not an easy way to monitor or report the number of applications without an uninstall command specified in Configuration Manager. This obscures and complicates tackling the addition of uninstall commands to applications lacking them.
I’ve put together a PowerShell script to do just this. Specify your site code, CM server, and the target directory. The script generates a .CSV report of all applications within the target directory (to include subdirectories) and lists the install and uninstall commands.
# Script written by Payton Flint
# See https://paytonflint.com/powershell-report-cm-applications-with-no-uninstall-command-specified/
# Clear variables for repeatability
Get-Variable -Exclude PWD,*Preference | Remove-Variable -EA 0
# Identify location of script
$ScriptPath = Split-Path ($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) -Parent
# Install/check for ConfigurationManager module
Import-Module ConfigurationManager -ErrorAction 'Stop'
# Set Site Code
$SiteCode = <SITE CODE>
# CM Server Name
# Set Target Directory
$TargetDirName = <TARGET DIR NAME>
# Report Location
$ReportPath = <REPORT LOC>
# GCI -Recurse has not yet been implemented for the CM provider
# Recursive Get-Directory Function
Function Get-Directories {
# If SearchPath is not empty
If ($script:SearchPath -ne $null) {
# Get subdirectories and properties for each SearchPath
ForEach ($dir in $script:SearchPath) {
$SubDirs = Get-ChildItem -Path $dir | Select -Property Name,ContainerNodeID
# If subdirectories are present...
If ($SubDirs -ne $null) {
$SubDirs | ForEach-Object {
# Derive full path by appending name
$Path = Join-Path $dir $_.Name
$_ | Add-Member -NotePropertyName Path -NotePropertyValue $Path
$SubPaths += ,$Path
$script:AllDirs += $_
# If subdirectories are not present...
} else {
# Get directory properties
$Dirs = Get-Item -Path $dir | Select -Property Name,ContainerNodeID
# Add path property to all directories
$Dirs | ForEach-Object {
$_ | Add-Member -NotePropertyName Path -NotePropertyValue $dir
# Add directories to AllDirs
If ($_.Path -notin $script:AllDirs.Path) {
$script:AllDirs += $Dirs
# Clear SearchPath variable and add new subdirectory paths
$script:SearchPath = $null
$script:SearchPath += $SubPaths
# If no new subdirectory paths found...
If ($SubPaths -eq $null) {
$script:GetDirs = 'Get-Directories Complete'
} # End Get-Directories function (outputs to $script:AllDirs)
# Get display name, path, ContainerNodeID, install/uninstall commands for each application
Function Get-Applications {
param (
ForEach ($dir in $Directories) {
# Get ContainerNodeID for all directories
$ContainerNodeID = $dir | Select -ExpandProperty ContainerNodeID
# WMI query
$Query = "select * from SMS_ApplicationLatest where ModelName is in(select InstanceKey from SMS_ObjectContainerItem where ObjectType='6000' and ContainerNodeID='$ContainerNodeID')"
# Get applications' names,paths
$AppsInDir = Get-WmiObject -Namespace "ROOT\SMS\Site_$SiteCode"-ComputerName $CMServer -Query $Query |
Select -Property LocalizedDisplayName
# Get SDMPackageXML from Deployment Type for each application in directory
ForEach ($app in $AppsInDir) {
# Get XML from DeploymentType
$AppXML= Get-CMDeploymentType -ApplicationName $app.LocalizedDisplayName | Select -ExpandProperty SDMPackageXML
try {
# Ignore errors
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Continue'
# Get info from XML
$AppProps = [Microsoft.ConfigurationManagement.ApplicationManagement.Serialization.SccmSerializer]::DeserializeFromString($AppXML)
# Set Install/Uninstall properties
$Install = $appProps.DeploymentTypes.Installer.InstallCommandLine
$Uninstall = $appProps.DeploymentTypes.Installer.UninstallCommandLine
} catch { }
# Application Properties
$AppObjectProperties = @{
Name = $app.LocalizedDisplayName
Path = $dir.Path
DirID = $ContainerNodeID
Install = $Install
Uninstall = $Uninstall
# Create application objects using above properties
$AppObject = New-Object psobject -Property $AppObjectProperties
# Add objects to list
$script:Applications += ,$AppObject
# Nullify variables for repeatability
$Install = $null
$Uninstall = $null
$AppXML = $null
$AppProps = $null
} # End Get-Applications function (outputs to $script:Applications)
# Change location to CM site
Set-Location $SiteCode':'
# Set Application directory path using above variables
$ApplicationDir = $SiteCode +':\Application'
# Set target directory path
$TargetDirPath = Join-Path $ApplicationDir $TargetDirName
# Create object for target dir
$TargetDirObj = Get-Item -Path $TargetDirPath | Select -Property Name,ContainerNodeID
# Add path property to object
$TargetDirObj | Add-Member -NotePropertyName Path -NotePropertyValue $TargetDirPath
# Add object to AllDirs
$script:AllDirs += ,$TargetDirObj
# Initially set SearchPath to TargetDir
$script:SearchPath = ,$TargetDirPath
# Execute Recursive Get-Directories function until completion
Do {
} Until ($script:GetDirs -like '*Complete')
# Get all application display names for all directories
Get-Applications -Directories $script:AllDirs -SiteCode $SiteCode
# Change provider
Set-Location $env:SystemDrive
# Export report of all applications
$script:Applications | Export-Csv -Path "$ReportPath\AppList.csv" -Force