Here’s a script that I wrote to allow you to provide a list of machine names and set the membership of an Active Directory security group. It outputs the initial membership count to the console, removes devices that are not present in the provided list, adds devices that are not already present, and then outputs the final membership count to the console for validation purposes. A very handy script to have at your disposal, this will vastly improve the efficiency of any administrator.
# Script written by Payton Flint
# See
# Set target Security Group Name
# Identify location of script
$ScriptPath = Split-Path ($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) -Parent
# Set systems list location
$MemberList = Get-Content "$ScriptPath\DeviceList.txt"
# Get membership of Security Group
$InitMembers = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $SecGroup
# Write initial member count of security group to console
$InitMemberCount= (Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "$SecGroup") |Measure-Object | Select Count
Write-Output "$SecGroup"
Write-Output "Initial Membership $InitMemberCount"
Write-Output ""
# If system in security group, but not member list, remove it
foreach ($system in $InitMembers) {
if ($system -notin $MemberList){
Remove-ADGroupMember -Identity $SecGroup -Members (Get-ADComputer $system) -Confirm:$false
# If system is in member list, but not in security group, add it
foreach ($system in $MemberList){
if ($system -notin $InitMembers){
Add-ADGroupMember -Identity $SecGroup -Members (Get-ADComputer $system)
# Write final member count of security group to console
$MemberCount= (Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "$SecGroup") |Measure-Object | Select Count
Write-Output "$SecGroup"
Write-Output "Final Membership $MemberCount"